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Natural-Looking Plastic Surgery: The Art of the Tweakment4 min read

Beauty Leesburg Virginia
Picture of Caroline Hedges

Caroline Hedges

Caroline Hedges is a critically acclaimed researcher, writer and serial entrepreneur.
With a knack for making the obscure plain, she is able to distill her research
in writing both fun and engaging posts.

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In 2020, minimalism is growing. In a world that seems to be only increasing in complexity, people are looking to simplify other areas of their lives – they are decluttering their homes, purging their wardrobes, and trying to waste less. Similarly, people are looking for a minimalist approach to beauty. People don’t want to use a million products or spend hours on their daily beauty routines. Natural beauty is trending, and people everywhere are looking for simpler, more earth-friendly, and less time-consuming ways to showcase that. Enter, the art of the “tweakment.”

What Does Tweakment Mean?

Tweakments are Subtle Cosmetic Treatments that offer great results with less cost and downtime. A minimalist’s dream! 

Although surgical treatments are undoubtedly effective (and still popular!), there are some downsides. They can be pricey and involved, and it can sometimes take weeks to recover from the complicated surgical procedures. In contrast, “tweakments” can be done on your lunch break; they are often painless, affordable, and require little to no recovery time. What’s the catch? There is none, really! Non-surgical cosmetic procedures are a great way to tone, tighten, smooth, or otherwise boost your appearance in a way that will transform you into a happier, healthier version of yourself. Let’s break down some of the popular tweakment options available by common “problem areas” that they can easily address.

botox fillers

What Tweakment Options are Available for Fat Reduction?

Raise your hand if you have unwanted fat! Oh, everyone? Don’t worry. There are non-surgical treatments available to help blast that stubborn fat that sticks to you like gum on a shoe. Coolsculpting is a procedure that uses cold temperatures to freeze fat cells, causing them to die off over time. This is a great option for the mom gut that hangs around after having kids (even YEARS after!) or other fat pockets, like on the back or thighs. Bye, fat cells, we will not miss you.

What Non-Surgical Facial Procedures are Available?

It depends on your concerns! There are lots of tweakment solutions that target different facial complaints. If you are experiencing sagging skin or wrinkles, you might benefit from a liquid face lift, which is less invasive than a normal face lift but offers awesome, youth-boosting results. You could also opt for Botox – it is still one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures, but modern advancements allow it to be more effective and cause fewer side effects. If you are plagued with dullness or uneven skin tone, a laser treatment might be best for you. Lasers are quick and easy, and they can effectively restore youthful plumpness and tone. To subtly change your facial contours, fillers are also a great option for easy, yet noticeable results!

Minimize Scars

Any Tweakment Procedures Available for Hair?

Well, do you want more of it or less of it? Laser hair removal is a great way to boost your confidence and simplify your daily routine, especially during the summer. (While you’re at it, lasers can easily take care of varicose veins, too!) Or, minimize your eyebrow care by getting microblading, which will give you selfie-ready, defined brows for months to come, without tweezing, plucking, or penciling. If hair loss is your problem, hair extensions are rapidly gaining popularity. There are now high-tech extensions available that look and feel so natural, you’ll forget it’s not your hair! 

Ready to take the minimalist route to natural beauty?

As with any procedure, the best way to get great results from a tweakment procedure is to do your research and find a trusted, professional provider. We invite you to come in for a complimentary consultation with Dr. Chang or one of the cosmetic laser and injection nurses to explore whether you would make a good candidate. To find out more whether Aesthetica can help you, contact us online or at 703-729-5553 to arrange an appointment. Dr. Phillip Chang is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Northern Virginia near Leesburg, Virginia and an expert in a wide variety of cosmetic treatments.

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Our office can provide you with helpful information, schedule a free consultation, and walk you through the many services and procedures we provide.

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